Title: Keynote on the future of user experience in the age of AI (German)
Format: Digitaltag Freiburg
Venue: Kreativpark Freiburg, Germany
Title: How AI is changing our digital Lebenswelt (German)
Format: Munich Creative Business Week
Venue: mcbw Hub, Ruffinihaus, Munich, Germany
Further Talks about design, UX & AI
@ Porsche Digital UX Shareout, digital format
Title: State of the Art of Design and Artificial Intelligence
Format: re:publica conference
Venue: Arena Berlin, Germany
Further Talks about design & AI
@ AI Makerspace (Digital Product School), digital format
@ Data Meetup, Porsche Digital, Berlin, Germany
@ Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR), Cologne, Germany
@ iF Design/WDO panel on "Creative Responsibility: Why we still need designers in the age of AI", VW Group Forum, Berlin, Germany
@ Deutscher Designtag Vorstandsklausur (strategic retreat of the executive board of the German Design Council), Berlin, Germany
@ Service Design Drinks, Berlin, Germany
@ Soiree XD, Berlin, Germany
@ Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany (Conference on design and AI)
Title: Making Visual Design Adapt to Emotions: A Designer’s Journey into Personalized Emotion-Centered Design
Format: TEDxHU Berlin
Venue: Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
Title: A Journey into Emotion-Centered Design
Format: Creative Kitchen Talk
Venue: Creative Kitchen, HAW Hamburg, Germany
Title: Unheilvolle Zukünfte. Spekulative Weltentwürfe als Form kritischer Gegenwartsdiagnose
Format: XIV. Internationales Bauhaus Kolloquium
Venue: Bauhaus-University Weimar, Germany
Title: Design in Crisis Mode: Detroit Resist’s Emergency-Driven Design Practices
Format: DGTF Annual Conference „Civic Design“
Venue: Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design, Halle, Germany
Title: Machine Learning-Driven Design: Zu den Wirkungen von lernfähigen Algorithmen auf Gestaltungsprozesse
Venue: Mediadesign Hochschule, Berlin
Title: Occupying the Moral High Ground. The Weltanschauung Of the 99% and Its Artistic Representations
Format: Conference „Moralizing Capitalism. Agents, Discourses and Practices of Capitalism and its Opponents in the Modern Age“
Venue: Berlin, Germany
Title: The Indulgent Viewer: How the Theory Of Kitsch-Man Depreciates Sensuous Aesthetic Experiences To Illustrate Personal Value Systems and Weltanschauungen
Format: College Art Association 104th Annual Conference
Venue: Washington D.C., USA
Title: Von der Sentimentalität zur Welt-Neurose. Der ‚Kitsch-Mensch‘ als ästhetische Beweisfigur außer-ästhetischer Urteile
Format: International Symposium Art and Emotions: Aesthetics of Emotions
Venue: Swiss Institute for Art Research (SIK-ISEA), Zurich, Switzerland
Title: Das Unbehagen der Welterklärung
Format: Symposium „Wundersame Erkenntnismodelle“
Venue: Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design, Halle, Germany
Title: ‚Shareholder der Revolution.‘ Die radikal opportunistische Kapitalismuskritik der künstlerischen Protestbewegung und des Romans RLF
Format: Doctoral candidates conference „Das Radikale – gesellschaftspolitische und formal-ästhetische Aspekte in der Gegenwartsliteratur“
Venue: University Paderborn, Germany
Title: Exhibition Becomes Politics. How Art Exhibitions About the Ukrainian Crisis Bring Up Diplomatic Contradictions
Format: Third Euroacademia International Conference „The European Union and the Politicization of Europe“
Venue: Lissabon, Portugal
Title: ‚Politkitsch!‘ – Zur diskursiven Funktion des Kitsch-Urteils am Fall der 7. Berlin Biennale”
Format: International Junior Researcher Conference „Practices of Critique“
Venue: Cluster of Excellence “Normative Orders”, Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany
Title: Die Krisenrealität des Kitsches
Format: Conference on „Kitsch. Vom Nutzen der Nicht-Kunst“
Venue: Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design, Halle, Germany